Editing the General UI

Most of the Admin Page ui is in html files in the Server Side Code/views/ folder. 

Since most pages have the same basic structure, most admin pages are generally placed inside template.htm.

Public pages are nested inside publictemplate.htm

Editing the Form Structure/text

The forms are being generated in Server Side Code/js/script.js.

Search and replace any form text you wish to change from this file.

Editing Notification Titles

When you add a new wallpaper the admin has the option to send a notification. The notification title can be changed from: Server Side Code/controllers/WallpaperController.php line 227:

$apiController->sendPushNotification($f3, $preferences->getValue("newitemnotificationtitle", "New Wallpaper"), $f3->get('POST.name'));

and for bulk line 305:

$apiController->sendPushNotification($f3, "News", $f3->get('POST.name'));

The general notification title can be changed from: Server Side Code/controllers/ApiController.php line 191:

    function sendPushNotification($f3, $title, $body, $topic='news')